Development, Implementation and/or Review of Management Systems
Whether it is facilitating risk assessments and developing a new Management system, or reviewing and improving your existing Management System, STAC Consulting will assist your business by providing specialist services tailored specifically to your requirements and your business risks.
Auditing & Audit Preparation Services
STAC Consulting can provide a qualified auditor to facilitate and/or perform 3rd Party Audits at your business or can assist your business with preparation for any upcoming internal or external audits. Audits performed include compliance audits, hazard-specific audits and management systems desktop audits (e.g. OHSMS audit against AS4801).
Compliance Review and Gap Analyses
Compliance with existing health and safety legislation and other industry-specific and, where applicable, corporate requirements will assist your business in ensuring health and safety obligations are being proactively managed. It also provides assurance to the Company Directors and will assist with managing your business’ overall health and safety risk.
Health & Safety Strategy & Planning Facilitation
Companies that are Safer are more Productive! Does your Company have a long-term Health and Safety Strategy? Does your Company have an Annual Health and Safety Plan? You can impact your business’ bottom line and future success by ensuring that you are proactively managing health and safety within your business by having a Health and Safety Plan just as you would have an existing Business Plan. Better still, integrate your health and strategy and plan into your existing Business Plan!
Health and Safety Project Management
Do you have a major health and safety project that requires a Project Manager with an extensive background of health and safety project management?
Health and Safety Training Packages
STAC Consulting can develop health and safety training systems and packages to assist in successful implementation of your health and safety systems.
Support for Health and Safety Teams / Roles
Do you have a person relatively new to a health and safety role in your business? Do you have a key health and safety person within your business going on short-term leave? Do you need additional specialist resourcing to supplement your health and safety team? Is your Health and Safety Committee running effectively as it should be?
If you like what you have seen so far or are interested in a specific service not already listed here, please contact us at